KET’s Schools of management witnesses a great confluence of ideas at the FDP on Bridging the Industry- Academia Expectations Gap in Communication.
KET’s Schools of Management organised a two-day Faculty Development Programme (FDP) bearing the title Bridging the Industry-Academia Expectations Gap in Communication on 27th and 28th
June, 2023. The FDP comprised talks by industry professionals, academicians and entrepreneurs and was attended by educators, HR professionals and independent consultants. The FDP began with a stimulating and thought-provoking session, delivered by the keynote speaker – Mr Srikrishna Bhave, renowned HR professional and consultant, who set the tone for the FDP. In his keynote address, Mr. Bhave opined that it requires effort on the part of both the academia and industry, to work symbiotically, to bridge the expectations gap, by engaging in joint projects and collaborating for varied purposes. He also spoke about how the syllabus could be made more dynamic, to meet the needs of the industry, and the role that alumni could play in achieving this. Through his experience, Mr. Bhave gave a lot of food for thought to the participants, who asked him very insightful questions. The keynote address was thus truly a great start to the Faculty Development Programme, giving it momentum in the direction where stimulating conversations and discussions followed.