MMS Program
Master of Management Studies is a two years full time post graduate degree programme affiliated to University of Mumbai.
Program Objectives:
The MMS program focuses on sculpting students into highly professional and capable business managers throwing them into the ring to react smartly to true-to-life situations using their wit, presence of mind, analytical skills and business acumen. This brings out their true potential and they emerge as tough professionals after going through rigor and relentless focused hard work. While their conceptual and interpersonal skills are honed, the social angle of decision-making is also fine-tuned.
The MMS program is designed and executed to foster critical thinking by training students both in theory and practice so as to equip them with skill and aim for holistic development of students.
The MMS program prepares a student for a career in diverse sectors nationally as well as globally. The MMS Program facilitates absorption and application of knowledge in theory and practice across multiple functional areas of management and enables students to adopt an integrated approach towards real life situations and circumstances.
Program Structure:
- Induction Program and Foundation Course is the cornerstone of the MMS program. It is offered before the commencement of MMS programme to acquaint with the basics of the course.
- The first semester is the foothill, where the odyssey begins. A common base of knowledge essential for all management professionals. The first semester shall consist of 8 subjects 5(five) Core and 3(three) elective from the bouquet of 10 subjects.
- The second semester consist of eight subjects of which 5 subjects would be core subjects and three subjects would be elective from the bouquet of 10 subjects.
- To ensure that the students learn the practical application of the management practices students have to undergo two months summer internship working with a company. The summer internship culminates into preparing a summer internship report on the internship work which is further evaluated by examiners.
- MMS – Semester III comprise of the specialisation in one of the discipline that include Marketing, Finance, Systems, Operations and Human Resource Management.
- MMS – Sem IV students undertake three projects along with one core subject and one specialization elective.
Exams in the second year for Semesters III and IV are conducted by Mumbai University.
For a detailed Course Curriculum click here
FRA Proposal 2025-26 click here